designer_replica Oris 674-7583-4084LS Men's watch Is it a decade
What do you think is the age of a designer_replica Oris 674-7583-4084LS Men's watch? Is it a decade, a score, or a century? No, actually it has surpassed billions of years of existence! Does it look very young and charming? It is charming, but it is not young. Diamonds are older than the human race. This ability to withstand time is the most precious trait of a diamond. It is billions of years old, but still, it has an unfading beauty that makes everyone amazed.Are you aware of the attributes of the diamond? It may look fragile, but actually, the diamond is the hardest mineral on earth! It has garnered a score of 10 in Mohs scale of mineral hardness, which is the top rating. The hardness in the scale describes the resistance of the material from scratches. It can cut through glass, too! Diamonds can be scratched when it is rubbed against another diamond, though doing so would damage both gems. It has a lot of colors too. Crystal clear, blue, red, yellow, green, name it! A diamond rarity is based on its color. The crystal clear ones are the most common while shades of violet and pink are rare.Where do they come from, you ask? As usual, it comes from the earth too. designer_replica Oris 674-7583-4084LS Men's watch are being mined as well. They are formed deep in the ground at a high-pressure area of carbon but at a lower temperature compared to other gemstones. Nowadays, even laboratories can serve as diamond mines! Yes, manufacture of diamonds is possible. Scientists use materials that are called diamond simulants, which act as alternatives to natural diamonds. They can look like diamonds, but it is not really a diamond. These materials are then processed to be synthetic diamonds that are far cheaper than natural diamonds.A diamond simulant can be either natural or artificial. The natural simulants are usually gems by itself such as topaz, beryl, and quartz which are then processed to look like diamonds. These gems have above average hardness and low refraction indexes designer_replica Oris 674-7583-4084LS Men's watch.